

Aeration is applied for the increasing of the oxygen content of the water, for the removal of dissolved gases (e.g. hydrogen-sulphide) and for the oxidization of iron and manganese. Methods include the shaking or stirring of a water-filled vessel or the trickling of water through perforated trays with small stones on it.


Low-cost technology.


Applicable at household level. Method might be centrally implemented in areas with problems of dissolved gases or iron/manganese. In the latter case some training on the use of the method (in combination with settlement) might be needed.


Mainly for groundwater to remove gases (CO2, CH4, H2S) or iron/manganese. In open installations, contaminations like dust and fecal from birds may enter during treatment. These and other contaminations (e.g. oxidation products) can be removed in subsequent treatment stage(s).


Simple technology. Operation only includes shaking of a vessel or pouring water on the perforated trays. Maintenance is minimal. In case of the perforated trays with stones, the stones might need to be cleaned occasionally.


Users might need education on reason of applying aeration. They need to know that it needs to be combined with settling or filtration in order to remove oxidation products. In general, aeration is not widely applied at the household level.

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