Public standpost


A public standpost typically includes one or more taps with connection to a central water supply pipeline, meant for a group of users. Mostly includes a supporting column or wall made of wood, bricks or concrete. To prevent pools, concrete or stone apron can be made under tap.


Cost depend on the specific configuration. A South African study indicates that standpipes in general amount for less than 5% of the total costs for the distribution pipes.


Mostly used for group of households up to 100 people. In one piped network, several public standposts might be implemented. Management responsibility might be at local authority, company or community committee. Government control might be required for water quality control.


In case of leakage in the pipes, contamination from the soil might enter pipes and standpost. Leakage control and residual chlorine required. If no proper drainage, standing water might be breeding place for pathogens (e.g. malaria parasites).


For construction some specific design guidelines need to be considered (for the pipe, platform, support column and tap). Operation includes mainly cleaning of the site and drain. Maintenance includes repairing or replacing valve, fence, apron and piping. Limited skills requirements.


If system not properly maintained, additional household water treatment required. Improper system layout might result in lack of water during repairs. If the standpost is located far from people’s houses, they might not be willing to use it.

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